11 Things We’ve Learned from 2 Seasons of “Stranger Things”
“Stranger Things” has had a cult following since the beginning, captivating audiences with the lure of Eleven’s power, 80s nostalgia, and The Upside Down. (You can even talk to the alternate dimension with this Facebook Messenger Bot.) Amidst all the horror, psychokinetic plot lines, and teen drama, we’ve learned some important things about love, friendship, and staying true to you.
*Alert, spoilers below!*
1. Mother figures come in all forms.
Thank you moms everywhere, for showing us how to exude confidence, stand up for ourselves, and for sharing all your hair secrets with us.
2. Young love is everything.
Just let it happen. Cherish it. Savor it. Hold on to it. Revel in the incredible beauty that is the bond between Mike and Eleven.
3. Best friends always show up when you need them most.
And, if your friend is awesome, it’s usually in the most epic way to save the day.
4. Express yourself.
Sometimes it’s hard to find the words to say what you’re really feeling – and that’s when art comes in handy as the ultimate form of communication.
5. Cherish family, however you define it.
Although seemingly overprotective at times, Hopper’s relationship with Eleven is the epitome of friendship, and an endearing father-daughter bond revealing the power of choosing our families and how we love them.
6. We can all harness our inner power.
We all have greatness inside of us, and we’re all special for different reasons. Sometimes it takes the right person to pull that greatness out of us. But, once we harness that power, we’re unstoppable!
7. Don’t let the bullies get you down.
We’ll all have our moment to shine. Just keep doin’ you until you find your groove. (Especially you, Dustin, you adorable human).
8. Don’t underestimate how good girls are at stuff.
Just don’t. Whether it’s video games, or driving a car during a time of crisis, girls get the job done.
9. Love like the love of your life might get eaten by a Demo-dog.
Because, they might. Just sayin’. (Great lesson, but we’re super sad for Bob and Joyce.)
10. Little sisters will always come with a side of sass.
Give it up for Erica Sinclair’s one-liners stealing the show in Season 2.
11. The buddy system is usually a good idea.